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RC Willey Accelerates Full Data Recovery from Veeam Backup

When RC Willey Home Furnishings could not meet its recovery time needs it sought a high-performance solution to complement its robust Veeam backup and chose Pure Storage.


RC Willey sells everything from furniture to appliances, barbecues, mattresses, flooring, exercise equipment, and electronics for the home. Its IT team protects operations using Veeam for its extensive backup processes. When a full recovery test showed that restore time took too long, the team picked Pure Storage FlashArray//C with immutable SafeMode snapshots for data protection. Restore time went from hours to minutes. Full recovery tests run nightly confirm backup data quality.


  • Retail


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Modernize Data Protection


Fast, Full Data Recovery from Veeam Backup
RC Willey reduced recovery from Veeam backup from hours to minutes with Pure Storage. Learn how.


Retailer RC Willey had a robust backup solution including replication to an off-site data center, but it lacked sufficient infrastructure to restore fast and with confidence. Data restoration took too long, and there was no viable method in place to routinely test that the backups were good. The company also needed to know that backups would be safe from ransomware attacks increasingly common in the retail industry. Disruption to operations could put the company’s reputation and revenue at risk.


Business Transformation

  • Fortifies data protection against adverse weather and cyberattacks
  • Eliminates forklift upgrades for backup target with non-disruptive upgrades
  • Confirms quality of nightly backups to support a full recovery strategy

IT Transformation

  • Near instant recovery of virtual machines and individual files via snapshots
  • Meets RTOs to recover in minutes, not days, or weeks
  • Up to 37:1 data reduction enables months of data backup in small, energy efficient footprint

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Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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