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Connect. Learn. Share.

Pure Storage communities offer all the resources you need to get the most out of Pure.

Communities to Explore

FlashCrew Digital

Connect online with FlashCrew user group members and get exclusive access to local events, discussion forums, VIP experiences, and SWAG!

Pure Technical Services

The Pure technical community brings together customers and Pure subject-matter experts to create opportunities for peer-to-peer and direct support.


This is the place for developers and engineers interested in integration toolkits for Cisco, Microsoft, DevOps frameworks, and much more.

Pure Storage Navigators

A persona-based user community designed to gather feedback to ensure Pure Storage is prioritizing customer focused roadmap strategies across our portfolio.

Even More Pure


Build credibility and confidence. Certifications are a valuable asset that validate your expertise  with Pure Storage and other technologies.


Tune in online to get updates, build skills, access training, and maybe even have some fun.

Knowledge Portal

Here’s your gateway to best practices, user guides, troubleshooting documentation, and more to help you get the most from Pure products.

Customer Reviews

Share your experience and write a review on the following third-party sites:

¿Preguntas, comentarios?

¿Tiene alguna pregunta o comentario sobre los productos o las certificaciones de Pure?  Estamos aquí para ayudar.

Programe una demostración

Programe una demostración en vivo y compruebe usted mismo cómo Pure puede ayudarlo a transformar sus datos en potentes resultados. 

Llámenos: 800-976-6494

Medios de comunicación:


Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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