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Pure and Zenuity

AutoNation Transforms Automotive Experiences

Automotive retailer AutoNation delivers exceptional customer experiences with innovative digital tools running on Pure Storage®.


AutoNation differentiates itself from the competition by investing in technology to deliver better customer experiences, from sales that brings cars to your door to VR vehicle services. Pure Storage acts as the foundation for highly scalable infrastructure to support growing digital experiences.


  • Retail


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications


Watch How AutoNation Transforms Automotive Experiences
See how Pure empowers exceptional customer experiences with innovative digital tools.


AutoNation has invested in technology for years as part of an ongoing digital transformation initiative. But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, closing storerooms, the company needed to roll out two years’ worth of planned digital initiatives as quickly as possible.

Business Transformation

  • Differentiates itself from other automotive dealers with accessible, touch-free digital experiences
  • Rolled out 24-month digital transformation plan in just three months
  • Helps boost online business by 45% with digital initiatives

IT Transformation

  • Scales infrastructure quickly to support new application development
  • Maintains sustainable budget with predictable cost model for storage 
  • IT staff spends less time maintaining storage and more time on long-term strategy

Más para usted

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Zenuity desarrolla los vehículos del futuro con AI

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CFA mantiene las aplicaciones de misión crítica ejecutándose con la plataforma de alta disponibilidad de Pure Storage

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Farmatodo implementa FlashStack para acelerar la diferenciación competitiva y fortalecer el rendimiento de la continuidad del negocio

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Carozzi automatiza su centro de distribución con Pure Storage

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Programe una demostración en vivo y compruebe usted mismo cómo Pure puede ayudarlo a transformar sus datos en potentes resultados. 

Llámenos: 800-976-6494

Medios de comunicación:


Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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